Ever wondered what the name Adullam truly means ?
The name Adullam means refuge, but the cave wasn't to be David's refuge. God wanted to be David's refuge in this discouraging time.
Most archaeologists believe that the Cave of Adullam was not too far from the place where David defeated Goliath, in the hills of Judah.
Wanting things to come to you as you want is possible but that's not the way of God. You choose to believe God to the end. How do you fear joining an army or you leave an army today and Tomorrow you are told they have taken over the Land.
That can be the most hurting thing so you are either the hero or the witness who will talk about how men took over land
It's the cave of Adullam where men of that kind are made.
At Adullam we have continued to instill hope in the lives of the most hopeless children.
Children from all walks of life and mostly the vulnerable. We have built this through offering a safe a environment conducive for the to concentrate and acquire Quality Education so as to be able to create their own future.
Over 800+ children have benefited from this project and the difference they make in our word will create a better tomorrow. Thanks to Cunina about 400 of these shall have a free chance to access education at free cost every year
. What a joy

At Adullam Model Pre & Primary School ;We are raising Leaders of tomorrow through Education.
1 Samuel 22 :: NIV. David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father's household heard about it, they went down to him there. All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader.